Week 5: Binary Search Trees

DSAN 5500: Data Structures, Objects, and Algorithms in Python

Class Sessions

Jeff Jacobs


Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Week 4 Recap + Wrapup

Hash Tables: tldr Edition

  • Keys \(k \in \mathcal{K}\) are plugged into a (deterministic) hash function \(h: \mathcal{K} \rightarrow \{1, \ldots, N\}\), producing an index where \(k\) is stored
  • If nothing at that index yet, store \((k,v)\) in empty slot
  • If already an item at that index, we have a ⚠️collision⚠️
  • We could just throw away the old value (HW2 Part 1)
  • Otherwise, need a way to store multiple items in one slot… (a way to dynamically grow storage at given index)
  • Solution you know so far: Linked Lists
  • New solution: Binary Search Trees!

Binary Search Trees

  • If you’ve been annoyed by how long we’ve talked about Linked Lists for… this is where it finally pays off!

Linked Lists + Divide-and-Conquer = BSTs

  • By now, the word “Linked List” should make you groan, cross your arms and start tapping your feet with impatience
  • “Here we go again… the Linked List is gonna make us traverse through every single element before we reach the one we’re looking for” 😖
  • Linked List = Canon in D
  • Binary Search Tree = Canon in D played by Hiromi Uehara…

Hiromi Uehara

The Metaphor Goes Deep!

  • Uehara’s Canon in D = Pachelbel’s + Fancier notes/rhythms on top of it
  • Binary Search Trees = Linked Lists + Fancier structure built on top of it
    • Specifically: “next” pointer can now branch left or right, to ensure ordering of nodes
class LinkedListNode:
    @property content
    @property next
class BinarySearchTreeNode:
    @property content
    @property left
    @property right

Visualizing the Structures

from hw2 import LinkedList, InventoryItem
ll = LinkedList()
item1 = InventoryItem('Mango', 50)
item2 = InventoryItem('Pickle', 60)
item3 = InventoryItem('Artichoke', 55)
item5 = InventoryItem('Banana', 123)
item6 = InventoryItem('Aardvark', 11)

from hw2 import BinarySearchTree
bst = BinarySearchTree()
item1 = InventoryItem('Mango', 50)
item2 = InventoryItem('Pickle', 60)
item3 = InventoryItem('Artichoke', 55)
item5 = InventoryItem('Banana', 123)
item6 = InventoryItem('Aardvark', 11)

Practical Considerations

  • Hash Maps: Only useful if keys are hashable
    • Python has a built-in collections.abc.Hashable class, such that hash(my_obj) works iff isinstance(my_obj, Hashable)
  • Binary Search Trees: Only useful if keys have an ordering
    • “Standard” classes (int, str, datetime) come with implementations of ordering, but if you make your own class you need to implement the ordering for it!
  • (Linked Lists still work for non-hashable/orderable objects!)

Why ==, <, >= “Just Work”

  • Not magic! Someone has explicitly written a set of functions telling Python what to do when it sees e.g. obj1 < obj2
  • Example: let’s implement an ordering of vectors \(\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^2\) based on Pareto dominance

Ordering Vectors via Pareto Dominance

class UtilVector:
    def __init__(self, u1, u2):
        self.u1 = u1
        self.u2 = u2
    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, UtilVector):
            return NotImplemented
        return self.u1 == other.u1 and self.u2 == other.u2

    def __ne__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, UtilVector):
            return NotImplemented
        return self.u1 != other.u1 or self.u2 != other.u2
    def __gt__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, UtilVector):
            return NotImplemented
        return self.u1 > other.u1 and self.u2 >= other.u2 or self.u1 >= other.u1 and self.u2 > other.u2

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.__gt__(other) or self.__eq__(other)
    def __lt__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, UtilVector):
            return NotImplemented
        return other.__gt__(self)

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other)
xA = UtilVector(2, 2)
xB = UtilVector(3, 2)
print(xB > xA)
xC = UtilVector(2, 3)
print(xC > xB)
import itertools
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
x0 = UtilVector(4, 6)
util_vals = np.arange(0, 11, 0.5)
util_pairs = list(itertools.product(util_vals, util_vals))
util_df = pd.DataFrame(util_pairs, columns=['x','y'])
def compare_to_x0(row):
    row_vec = UtilVector(row['x'], row['y'])
    gt_result = int(row_vec > x0)
    lt_result = int(row_vec < x0)
    return gt_result - lt_result
util_df['greater'] = util_df.apply(compare_to_x0, axis=1)
#my_palette = sns.color_palette(['#E69F00','lightgray','#CCFFCC'])
my_palette = sns.color_palette(['#FF3535','lightgray','#35FF35'])
    x='x', y='y',
    marker='X', s=150
x0_df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [4], 'y': [6]})
plt.scatter(data=x0_df, x='x', y='y', color='black')

Back to BSTs

  • For HW2, we provide you with an InventoryItem class
  • Two instance variables: item_name and price
  • Equivalence relations:
    • __eq__(other), __ne__(other)
  • Ordering relations:
    • __lt__(other), __le__(other), __gt__(other), __ge__(other)
  • Bonus: __repr__() and __str__()

LLs \(\rightarrow\) BSTs: The Hard Part

  • When we were working with LinkedLists, we could access all items by just “looping through”, from one element to the next, printing as we go along.
  • But… for a BinarySearchTree, since our structure can now branch as we traverse it… How do we “loop through” a BST?
  • Two fundamentally different ways to traverse every node in our BST
  • “Opposites” of each other, so that one is often extremely efficient and the other extremely inefficient for a given task
  • Your job as a data scientist is to think carefully about which one is more efficient for a given goal!

Two Ways to Traverse: IRL Version

  • Imagine we’re trying to learn about a topic \(\tau\) using Wikipedia, so we find its article \(\tau_0\)
  • There are two “extremes” in terms of strategies we could follow for learning, given the contents of the article as well as the links it contains to other articles
Depth-First Search (DFS)
  • Open \(\tau_0\) and start reading it; When we encounter a link we always click it and immediately start reading the new article.
  • If we hit an article with no links (or a dead end/broken link), we finish reading it and click the back button, picking up where we left off in the previous article. When we reach the end of \(\tau_0\), we’re done!
Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • Bookmark \(\tau_0\) in a folder called “Level 0 Articles”; open and start reading it
  • When we encounter a link, we put it in a “Level 1 Articles” folder, but continue reading \(\tau_0\) until we reach the end.
  • We then open all “Level 1 Articles” in new tabs, placing links we encounter in these articles into a “Level 2 Articles” folder, that we only start reading once all “Level 1 Articles” are read
  • We continue like this, reading “Level 3 Articles” once we’re done with “Level 2 Articles”, “Level 4 Articles” once we’re done with “Level 3 Articles”, and so on. (Can you see a sense in which this is the “opposite” of DFS?)

Two Ways to Traverse: Picture Version

from hw2 import IterAlgorithm, NodeProcessor

dfs_processor = NodeProcessor(IterAlgorithm.DEPTH_FIRST)

bfs_processor = NodeProcessor(IterAlgorithm.BREADTH_FIRST)


Two Ways to Traverse: In-Words Version

  1. Depth-First Search (DFS): With this approach, we iterate through the BST by always taking the left child as the “next” child until we hit a leaf node (which means, we cannot follow this left-child pointer any longer, since a leaf node does not have a left child or a right child!), and only at that point do we back up and take the right children we skipped.
  2. Breadth-First Search (BFS): This is the “opposite” of DFS in the sense that we traverse the tree level-by-level, never moving to the next level of the tree until we’re sure that we have visited every node on the current level.

Two Ways to Traverse: Animated Version

Depth-First Search (from Wikimedia Commons)

Breadth-First Search (from Wikimedia Commons)

Two Ways to Traverse: Underlying Data Structures Version

  • Now that you have some intuition, you may be thinking that they might require very different code to implement 🤔
  • This is where the mathematical-formal linkage between the two becomes ultra helpful!
  • It turns out (and a full-on algorithmic theory course makes you prove) that
  1. Depth-First Search can be accomplished by processing nodes in an order determined by adding each to a stack, while
  2. Breadth-First Search can be accomplished by processing nodes in an order determined by adding each to a queue!
  • \(\implies\) Literally identical code, “pulling out” the word stack and replacing it with the word queue within your code (or vice-versa).
  • If you have your Software Engineer Hats on, you’ll recognize this as a job for an abstraction layer!

Two Ways to Traverse: HW2 Version

  • You’ll make a class called NodeProcessor, with a single iterate_over(tree) function
  • This function—without any changes in the code or even any if statements!—will be capable of both DFS and BFS
  • It will take in a ThingContainer (could be a stack or a queue, you won’t know which), which has two functions:
    • put_new_thing_in(new_thing)
    • take_existing_thing_out()

Three Animals in the DFS Species

DFS Procedure Algorithm
Pre-Order Traversal 1. Print node
2. Traverse left subtree
3. Traverse right subtree
In-Order Traversal 🧐‼️ 1. Traverse left subtree
2. Print node
3. Traverse right subtree
Post-Order Traversal 1. Traverse left subtree
2. Traverse right subtree
3. Print node

The Three Animals Traverse our Inventory Tree


Final Notes for HW2

  • The last part challenges you to ask: why stop at a hash based on just the first letter of the key?
  • We could just as easily use the first two letters:
  • h('AA') = 0, h('AB') = 1, …, h('AZ') = 25,
  • h('BA') = 26, h('BB') = 27, …, h('BZ') = 51,
  • h('CA') = 52, …, h('ZZ') = 675.
  • You will see how this gets us even closer to the elusive \(O(1)\)! And we could get even closer with three letters, four letters, … 🤔🤔🤔