The course focuses on Python, but part of understanding Python is understanding how Python does things differently from other languages!
Just as C was “overtaken” by Java, then Java was “overtaken” by Python, Python will someday be overtaken
The Numbers
import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport as pximport as piopio.renderers.default ="notebook"lang_df = pd.read_csv("assets/gh_issues.csv")# The data for 2022 is essentially uselesslang_df = lang_df[lang_df['year'] <=2021].copy()lang_df['time'] = lang_df['year'].astype(str) +"_"+ lang_df['quarter'].astype(str)lang_df['prop'] = lang_df['count'] / lang_df.groupby('time')['count'].transform('sum')lang_df.head()#sns.lineplot(data=lang_df, x='year', y='count', color='name')# Keep only most popular languageskeep_langs = ['Python','JavaScript','C','C++','C#','Java','Ruby']pop_df = lang_df[lang_df['name'].isin(keep_langs)].copy()fig = px.line(pop_df, x='time', y='prop', color='name', template='simple_white', title='Programming Language Popularity Since 2012', labels = {'time': 'Year','prop': 'Proportion of GitHub Issues' })fig.update_layout( xaxis =dict( tickmode ='array', tickvals = [f"{year}_1"for year inrange(2012,2022)], ticktext = [f"{year}"for year inrange(2012,2022)] ))
/Users/jpj/.pyenv/versions/3.11.5/lib/python3.11/site-packages/plotly/express/ FutureWarning:
When grouping with a length-1 list-like, you will need to pass a length-1 tuple to get_group in a future version of pandas. Pass `(name,)` instead of `name` to silence this warning.
Research Particular Subfields!
For example, if you’re interested in pursuing Economics, you’ll want to learn Stata
Physics? You may want to learn MATLAB
For pure mathematics: Julia / Mathematica
Statistics, sociology, psychology, political science: R
Web development: JavaScript / TypeScript
The holy grail: you’re comfortable with Python but can also think in general, language-agnostic terms about algorithmic and data-structural efficiency!
Adversarial development: brainstorm all of the ways an evil hacker might break your code!
Example: Finding An Item Within A List
Seems straightforward, right? Given a list l, and a value v, return the index of l which contains v
Corner cases galore…
What if l contains v more than once? What if it doesn’t contain v at all? What if l is None? What if v is None? What if l isn’t a list at all? What if v is itself a list?
from mypy import apiresult =['-c',_i])print(result[0])
<string>:3: error: Unsupported left operand type for * ("Number") [operator]
<string>:4: error: Argument 1 to "multiply" has incompatible type "int"; expected "Number" [arg-type]
<string>:4: note: Types from "numbers" aren't supported for static type checking
<string>:4: note: See
<string>:4: note: Consider using a protocol instead, such as typing.SupportsFloat
<string>:4: error: Argument 2 to "multiply" has incompatible type "int"; expected "Number" [arg-type]
<string>:5: error: Argument 1 to "multiply" has incompatible type "str"; expected "Number" [arg-type]
<string>:5: note: Types from "numbers" aren't supported for static type checking
<string>:5: note: See
<string>:5: note: Consider using a protocol instead, such as typing.SupportsFloat
<string>:5: error: Argument 2 to "multiply" has incompatible type "int"; expected "Number" [arg-type]
Found 5 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
Unit Testing
For your life: test-driven development
If you’re coding a duck, you should test that it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.
For this class:
Public tests: Fully visible, see result plus full code
Hidden tests: See result + description of test, but no code
Secret tests: We run these after you submit, as a major portion of the total grade
Are we trapped? Like… what is there to do besides performing these \(N^3\) operations, if we want to multiply two \(N \times N\) matrices? Why are we about to move onto yet another slide about this?
Block-Partitioning Matrices
Now let’s consider big matrices, whose dimensions are a power of 2 (for ease of illustration): \(A\) and \(B\) are now \(N \times N = 2^n \times 2^n\) matrices
Which gives us a recurrence relation representing the total number of computations required for this big-matrix multiplication: \(T(N) = \underbrace{8T(N/2)}_{\text{Multiplications}} + \underbrace{\Theta(1)}_{\text{Additions}}\)
It turns out that (using a method we’ll learn in Week 3), given this recurrence relation and our base case from the previous slide, this divide-and-conquer approach via block-partitioning doesn’t help us: we still get \(T(n) = O(n^3)\)…
So why is Jeff still torturing us with this example?
Using the previous slide as our base case and applying this same method to the block-paritioned big matrices, we get the same result, but where the four entries in \(AB\) here are now matrices rather than scalars:
We now have a different recurrence relation: \(T(N) = \underbrace{7T(N/2)}_{\text{Multiplications}} + \underbrace{\Theta(N^2)}_{\text{Additions}}\)
And it turns out, somewhat miraculously, that the additional time required for the increased number of additions is significantly less than the time savings we obtain by doing 7 instead of 8 multiplications, since this method now runs in \(T(N) = O(N^{\log_2(7)}) \approx O(N^{2.807}) < O(N^3)\) 🤯