Week 4: Heaps, Stacks, Hash Maps

DSAN 5500: Data Structures, Objects, and Algorithms in Python

Class Sessions

Jeff Jacobs


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Open slides in new window →

HW1 Postmortem


  • Thank you all SO so much for your patience
  • I know it doesn’t help present-day you to hear this, but
  • Future you will have less stress now that I have a big server log containing all of the issues with the grading server, which I’ll use to fix the server for HW2 onwards!

The Devil is in the Details

From PR Week, 19 Oct 2015

Objects vs. Their (String) Representations

From Vice News

In Art

René Magritte, The Treachery of Images (1929)

In Python

x = 1 + 1
y = str(x)
  • So far so good…
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 2
      1 print(x+1)
----> 2 print(y+1)

TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
…What Happened??
  • The value assigned to x is an int
    • int \(\implies\) thing you can do arithmetic addition with
  • The value assigned to y is a str
    • str \(\implies\) thing you cannot do arithmetic addition with
    • (Though we can overload the + operator to represent concatenation when applied to two str objects)

In HW1

Objects vs. Their Representations

\[ \begin{align*} \overbrace{\boxed{\texttt{int}\text{ object}}}^{\text{addition defined}} &\neq \overbrace{\boxed{\texttt{str}\text{ representation of }\texttt{int}\text{ object}}}^{\text{addition not defined}} \\ \underbrace{\boxed{\texttt{SwimStyle}\text{ object}}}_{\texttt{.name}\text{ defined}} &\neq \underbrace{\boxed{\texttt{str}\text{ representation of }\texttt{SwimStyle}\text{ object}}}_{\texttt{.name}\text{ not defined}} \end{align*} \]

Other Possible Representations!

  1. strs are just lists of characters
x = "Ceci n'est pas une string"
Ceci n'est pas une string
<class 'str'>
['C', 'e', 'c', 'i', ' ', 'n', "'", 'e', 's', 't', ' ', 'p', 'a', 's', ' ', 'u', 'n', 'e', ' ', 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g']

\(\leadsto\) 2. Characters are stored in Python memory as int values (ASCII encodings)…

y = b"Ceci n'est pas une string"
b"Ceci n'est pas une string"
<class 'bytes'>
[67, 101, 99, 105, 32, 110, 39, 101, 115, 116, 32, 112, 97, 115, 32, 117, 110, 101, 32, 115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103]

\(\leadsto\) 3. Each int value is stored in computer memory as a byte (8 bits \(b_i \in \{0, 1\}\)):

print([format(character, 'b') for character in y])
['1000011', '1100101', '1100011', '1101001', '100000', '1101110', '100111', '1100101', '1110011', '1110100', '100000', '1110000', '1100001', '1110011', '100000', '1110101', '1101110', '1100101', '100000', '1110011', '1110100', '1110010', '1101001', '1101110', '1100111']

So What is the “Right” Representation?

  • No single “best” choice!
  • Different choices more/less helpful for different goals (think of datetime.datetime example)
  • That’s exactly why Python has two different “default” ways to generate representations: __str__() and __repr__()
  • Different “pictures” of an object (from different angles) may reveal some properties while hiding others
  • What is the “right” photo of this statue? →

James Hopkins, 123 (2014)

Different Representations, Different Information About the Object

Parallel Computing Preview

Why Is This A Big Deal?

  • You’ve been tasked with writing bank software
  • \(A\) has $500, \(B\) has $500, \(A\) fills out form to send $300 to \(B\) but clicks “Submit” twice

From Baeldung on Computer Science, What is a Race Condition?

And on the Autograder Server…

Swim Club with Data Science Hats

import pandas as pd
swim_df = pd.read_csv("assets/swimdata.csv", index_col=0)
name age distance style time
0 Abi 10 50m Back 41050
1 Abi 10 50m Back 43058
2 Abi 10 50m Back 42035
3 Abi 10 50m Back 43035
4 Abi 10 50m Back 39085

Fastest Per Style

Short Events
short_df = swim_df[swim_df['distance'] == "50m"].copy()
short_df.sort_values(['style', 'time'], ascending=True).groupby('style').head(1).drop(columns="age")
name distance style time
101 Calvin 50m Back 37085
18 Abi 50m Breast 45071
111 Calvin 50m Fly 37018
65 Aurora 50m Free 28086
Long Events
long_df = swim_df[swim_df['distance'] == "100m"].copy()
long_df.sort_values(['style', 'time'], ascending=True).groupby('style').head(1).drop(columns="age")
name distance style time
72 Bill 100m Back 65075
276 Tasmin 100m Breast 80059
241 Mike 100m Fly 68038
151 Dave 100m Free 58067
  • This works well for you, as a data scientist, manually analyzing the data via code cells
  • What if the public is accessing your data hundreds of times per second (e.g., for a live-updating data dashboard)? Should we (1) filter, (2) sort, (3) group by style, (4) filter (choose top entry), (5) drop column every time data is accessed?
  • (Every DSAN student can do this with Pandas… YOU will know how to do it with exponentially-greater efficiency, and mathematically prove it 😎)

Onwards and Upwards: Fancier Algorithms

LinkedList: Foundation for Most(?) Data Structures!

class LinkedList:
  def root(self):
    return self.__root
class LinkedListNode:
  @property content
  @property next

class BinaryTree:
  def root(self):
    return self.__root
class BinaryTreeNode:
  @property content
  @property left
  @property right

class QuadTree:
  def root(self):
    return self.__root
class QuadTreeNode:
  @property content
  @property nw
  @property ne
  @property sw
  @property se

So Then… Why Is This a Whole DSAN Class?

  • The core structures are identical, but we can optimize different goals (efficient insertion, sorting, retrieval, deletion, …) by changing the invariants maintained by the algorithms internal to our structure
  • Crucial Insertion-Sort invariant: \(\textsf{Sorted}(1,i)\) true when we go to process entry \(i + 1\) (key)
  • Crucial HW1 invariant: \(\textsf{Up-To-Date-Favorite}(1,i-1)\) true when we go to process entry \(i + 1\) (next result in dataset)
  • \(\implies\) Efficiency of obtaining favorite style guaranteed to be constant-time, \(O(1)\)!
  • Otherwise, would be \(O(n) > O(1)\) (linear approach) or at best \(O(\log_2(n)) > O(1)\) (divide-and-conquer)

Hash Tables

  • *(Spoiler alert, so you know I’m not lying to you: this is a LinkedList with some additional structure!)
  • You just got hired as a cashier (Safeway cashiering alum myself 🫡)
  • The scanner is broken (spoiler #2: the scanner uses a hash table), so you start writing down items along with their prices, one-by-one, as items come in…

Our List of (Item, Price) Pairs

price_list = []
price_list.append(('Banana', 10))
price_list.append(('Apple', 2))
price_list.append(('Four Loko', 5))
[('Banana', 10), ('Apple', 2), ('Four Loko', 5)]
  • As the list gets longer, it gets harder and harder to find where you wrote down a specific item and its price
  • As you now know, you could use linear search, \(O(n)\), or if you ensure alphabetical order (an invariant!), you could use binary, divide-and-conquer search, \(O(\log_2(n))\)
  • We can do even better: \(O(1)\). First w/magic, but then math

Strange-At-First Technique for Algorithm Analysis: Oracles

  • What if we had a magical wizard who could just tell us where to find an item we were looking for?
  • Sounds like I’m joking or saying “what if we had a billion $ and infinite rizz and we could fly and walk through walls”
  • And yet, through the magic of math and computer science, there are concrete hashing algorithms which ensure (in a mathematically-provable way!) “almost certain” \(O(1)\) lookup time

Mathematical Strategy of Oracles

  • We’ll use a concrete, simplified hash function to illustrate
  • Mathematically we’ll be able to get something like

\[ T(n) = O(1 + \underbrace{\epsilon}_{\mathclap{\text{Collision rate}}} \cdot n) \]

  • Which tells us: if we had an oracle who could ensure near-0 collision rates, then \(T(n) = O(1)\).
  • And, by a beautiful division-of-labor, other computer scientists figure out the near-0 collision rates part, giving us

\[ p^{✅} = [T(n) = O(1 + \epsilon n)], q^{✅} = [\epsilon \approx 0],\text{ so } p \wedge q \implies T(n) \overset{✅}{=} O(1). \]

Back to the Price List

  • Our hash function: hash(item) = first letter of item

\[ h(\texttt{x}) = \texttt{x[0]} \]

  • h('Banana') = 'B', h('Monkey') = 'M'
  • With this function in hand, we can create a length-26 array, one slot for each letter in alphabet, and then write down (item, price) pairs in whatever slot item hashes to

The Importance of Differentiating Operations: Insertion vs. Lookup

  • So far, we have \(O(1)\) insertion via hashing
  • We also get \(O(1)\) lookup!
  • When customer hands us an item (say, 'Banana'), we compute the hash (B), look in that slot, and obtain the price for bananas.
  • We also get \(O(1)\) updating (hash to find the old price, update it to have new price) and \(O(1)\) deletion (hash to find the slot containing the item, then erase it from that slot)

So What’s the Catch???

  • BLUEBERRIES show up to ruin our day (as usual 😞)
  • We hash, so far so good: h('Blueberries') = 'B'
  • But then we go to the B slot and see that (Bananas, 10) is already there!!! Wtf do we do here… don’t panic!
  • The answer? We open our HW1 from DSAN 5500 and remember that we have our lovely friend the LinkedList that we can use whenever and however we want!

Arrays vs. Linked Lists

  • Jeff is hiding something here… Why jump to LinkedList? Why not just… another length-26 array, for example?
  • For this we open up our Week 1 slides and remember the stack vs. heap distinction: we know how many letters in the alphabet, we don’t know how many items starting with B (or, if we do, we want to be able to expand/contract our price list to handle new/discontinued items)
  • Terminology for this kind of “hybrid” data structure: HashTable is an Array that “degenerates into” a LinkedList (when there are collisions)

Look How Far We Came!

  • Beginning of class: Only structure we knew allowing insertion (LinkedList) was \(O(n)\) for everythihg
  • End of class: New structure where suddenly everything is \(O(1)\), except in “unlucky” cases, in which it partially “degenerates” into a LinkedList
  • \(\implies\) The “inevitable” \(O(n)\) runtime has transformed into the unlucky worst-case upper bound
  • \(\implies\) By taking core data structures/algorithms from your toolkit, you can “piece together” hybrid structures whose whole (runtime) is better than the sum of its parts

Taking This Idea and Running With It

  • Next week we’ll look at BinarySearchTree (BST)
  • Since it’s just a glorified LinkedList, we’ll be able to take our HashMap from today and “drop in” the BST to play the role the LinkedList is playing right now
  • i.e., when there’s a collision, we’ll create a BST with its \(O(\log(n))\) operations, rather than a LinkedList with its \(O(n)\) operations
  • \(\implies\) HashMap will go from [\(O(1)\) best-case / \(O(n)\) worst-case] to [\(O(1)\) best-case / \(O(\log_2(n))\) worst-case]! Stay tuned…
