Week 10: Decision Trees

DSAN 5000: Data Science and Analytics

Class Sessions

Prof. Jeff and Prof. James


Thursday, November 7, 2024

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Week 9 Recap

Reducing Dimensionality

  • Method 1: Feature Selection. Selecting a subset of existing features:
\(F_1\) \(F_2\) \(F_3\)
0.8 0.9 0.1
0.6 0.4 0.1

\(F_1\) \(F_2\) \(F_3\)
0.8 0.9 0.1
0.6 0.4 0.1

\(F_1\) \(F_3\)
0.8 0.1
0.6 0.1
  • Method 2: Feature Extraction. Constructing new features as combinations/functions of the original features
\(F_1\) \(F_2\) \(F_3\)
0.8 0.9 0.1
0.6 0.4 0.1

\[ \begin{align*} {\color{#56b4e9}F'_{12}} &= \frac{{\color{#e69f00}F_1} + {\color{#e69f00}F_2}}{2} \\ {\color{#56b4e9}F'_{23}} &= \frac{{\color{#e69f00}F_2} + {\color{#e69f00}F_3}}{2} \end{align*} \]

\(F'_{12}\) \(F'_{23}\)
0.85 0.50
0.50 0.25

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

  • We know this is feature extraction since we obtain new dimensions:
gdp_df <- read_csv("assets/gdp_pca.csv")

dist_to_line <- function(x0, y0, a, c) {
    numer <- abs(a * x0 - y0 + c)
    denom <- sqrt(a * a + 1)
    return(numer / denom)
# Finding PCA line for industrial vs. exports
x <- gdp_df$industrial
y <- gdp_df$exports
lossFn <- function(lineParams, x0, y0) {
    a <- lineParams[1]
    c <- lineParams[2]
    return(sum(dist_to_line(x0, y0, a, c)))
o <- optim(c(0, 0), lossFn, x0 = x, y0 = y)
ggplot(gdp_df, aes(x = industrial, y = exports)) +
    geom_point(size=g_pointsize/2) +
    geom_abline(aes(slope = o$par[1], intercept = o$par[2], color="pca"), linewidth=g_linewidth, show.legend = TRUE) +
    geom_smooth(aes(color="lm"), method = "lm", se = FALSE, linewidth=g_linewidth, key_glyph = "blank") +
    scale_color_manual(element_blank(), values=c("pca"=cbPalette[2],"lm"=cbPalette[1]), labels=c("Regression","PCA")) +
    dsan_theme("half") +
    remove_legend_title() +
      title = "PCA Line vs. Regression Line",
        x = "Industrial Production (% of GDP)",
        y = "Exports (% of GDP)"
ggplot(gdp_df, aes(pc1, .fittedPC2)) +
    geom_point(size = g_pointsize/2) +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0, color='PCA Line'), linetype='solid', size=g_linesize) +
    geom_rug(sides = "b", linewidth=g_linewidth/1.2, length = unit(0.1, "npc"), color=cbPalette[3]) +
    expand_limits(y=-1.6) +
    scale_color_manual(element_blank(), values=c("PCA Line"=cbPalette[2])) +
    dsan_theme("half") +
    remove_legend_title() +
      title = "Exports vs. Industry in Principal Component Space",
      x = "First Principal Component (Axis of Greatest Variance)",
      y = "Second PC"

plot_df <- gdp_df %>% select(c(country_code, pc1, agriculture, military))
long_df <- plot_df %>% pivot_longer(!c(country_code, pc1), names_to = "var", values_to = "val")
long_df <- long_df |> mutate(
  var = case_match(
    "agriculture" ~ "Agricultural Production",
    "military" ~ "Military Spending"
ggplot(long_df, aes(x = pc1, y = val, facet = var)) +
    geom_point() +
    facet_wrap(vars(var), scales = "free") +
    dsan_theme("full") +
        x = "Industrial-Export Dimension (First Principal Component)",
        y = "% of GDP"

PCA Math Magic

  • Remember that our goal is to find the axes along which the data has greatest variance (out of all possible axes)
  • Let’s create a dataset using a known data-generating process: one dimension with 75% of the total variance, and the second with 25%:
N <- 300
Mu <- c(0, 0)
var_x <- 3
var_y <- 1
Sigma <- matrix(c(var_x, 0, 0, var_y), nrow=2)
data_df <- as_tibble(mvrnorm(N, Mu, Sigma, empirical=TRUE))
colnames(data_df) <- c("x","y")
# data_df <- data_df |> mutate(
#   within_5 = x < 5,
#   within_sq5 = x < sqrt(5)
# )
#nrow(data_df |> filter(within_5)) / nrow(data_df)
#nrow(data_df |> filter(within_sq5)) / nrow(data_df)
# And plot
ggplot(data_df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
  # 68% ellipse
  # stat_ellipse(geom="polygon", type="norm", linewidth=g_linewidth, level=0.68, fill=cbPalette[1], alpha=0.5) +
  # stat_ellipse(type="norm", linewidth=g_linewidth, level=0.68) +
    aes(x0=0, y0=0, a=var_x, b=var_y, angle=0),
    linewidth = g_linewidth
  ) +
  # geom_ellipse(
  #   aes(x0=0, y0=0, a=sqrt(5), b=1, angle=0),
  #   linewidth = g_linewidth,
  #   geom="polygon",
  #   fill=cbPalette[1], alpha=0.2
  # ) +
  # # 95% ellipse
  # stat_ellipse(geom="polygon", type="norm", linewidth=g_linewidth, level=0.95, fill=cbPalette[1], alpha=0.25) +
  # stat_ellipse(type="norm", linewidth=g_linewidth, level=0.95) +
  # # 99.7% ellipse
  # stat_ellipse(geom='polygon', type="norm", linewidth=g_linewidth, level=0.997, fill=cbPalette[1], alpha=0.125) +
  # stat_ellipse(type="norm", linewidth=g_linewidth, level=0.997) +
  # Lines at x=0 and y=0
  geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype="dashed", linewidth=g_linewidth / 2) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed", linewidth = g_linewidth / 2) +
    size = g_pointsize / 3,
  ) +
  geom_rug(length=unit(0.5, "cm"), alpha=0.75) +
    aes(x=-var_x, y=0, xend=var_x, yend=0, color='PC1'),
    linewidth = 1.5 * g_linewidth,
    arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, "npc"))
  ) +
    aes(x=0, y=-var_y, xend=0, yend=var_y, color='PC2'),
    linewidth = 1.5 * g_linewidth,
    arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, "npc"))
  ) +
  dsan_theme("half") +
  coord_fixed() +
  remove_legend_title() +
    "PC Vectors",
    values=c('PC1'=cbPalette[1], 'PC2'=cbPalette[2])
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(-5,5,1), limits=c(-5,5))
── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.3     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
✔ purrr     1.0.2     
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors

Attaching package: 'MASS'

The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':

Warning: The `x` argument of `as_tibble.matrix()` must have unique column names if
`.name_repair` is omitted as of tibble 2.0.0.
ℹ Using compatibility `.name_repair`.
Warning in geom_segment(aes(x = -var_x, y = 0, xend = var_x, yend = 0, color = "PC1"), : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 300 rows.
ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
  a single row.
Warning in geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = -var_y, xend = 0, yend = var_y, color = "PC2"), : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 300 rows.
ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
  a single row.

\[ \mathbf{\Sigma} = \begin{bmatrix} {\color{#e69f00}3} & 0 \\ 0 & {\color{#56b4e9}1} \end{bmatrix} \]

Two solutions to \(\mathbf{\Sigma}\mathbf{x} = \lambda \mathbf{x}\):

  • \({\color{#e69f00}\lambda_1} = 3, {\color{#e69f00}\mathbf{x}_1} = (1, 0)^\top\)
  • \({\color{#56b4e9}\lambda_2} = 1, {\color{#56b4e9}\mathbf{x}_2} = (0, 1)^\top\)

Now With PCA Lines \(\neq\) Axes

  • We now introduce covariance between \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates of our data:
N <- 250
Mu <- c(0,0)
Sigma <- matrix(c(2,1,1,2), nrow=2)
data_df <- as_tibble(mvrnorm(N, Mu, Sigma))
colnames(data_df) <- c("x","y")
# Start+end coordinates for the transformed vectors
pc1_rc <- (3/2)*sqrt(2)
pc2_rc <- (1/2)*sqrt(2)
ggplot(data_df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
    aes(x0=0, y0=0, a=var_x, b=var_y, angle=pi/4),
    linewidth = g_linewidth,
    #fill='grey', alpha=0.0075
  ) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype="dashed", linewidth=g_linewidth / 2) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed", linewidth = g_linewidth / 2) +
    size = g_pointsize / 3,
  ) +
    length=unit(0.35, "cm"), alpha=0.75
  ) +
    aes(x=-pc1_rc, y=-pc1_rc, xend=pc1_rc, yend=pc1_rc, color='PC1'),
    linewidth = 1.5 * g_linewidth,
    arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, "npc"))
  ) +
    aes(x=pc2_rc, y=-pc2_rc, xend=-pc2_rc, yend=pc2_rc, color='PC2'),
    linewidth = 1.5 * g_linewidth,
    arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, "npc"))
  ) +
  dsan_theme("half") +
  remove_legend_title() +
  coord_fixed() +
Warning in geom_segment(aes(x = -pc1_rc, y = -pc1_rc, xend = pc1_rc, yend = pc1_rc, : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 250 rows.
ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
  a single row.
Warning in geom_segment(aes(x = pc2_rc, y = -pc2_rc, xend = -pc2_rc, yend = pc2_rc, : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 250 rows.
ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
  a single row.

\[ \mathbf{\Sigma}' = \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 1 \\ 1 & 2 \end{bmatrix} \]

Still two solutions to \(\mathbf{\Sigma}'\mathbf{x} = \lambda \mathbf{x}\):

  • \({\color{#e69f00}\lambda_1} = 3, {\color{#e69f00}\mathbf{x}_1} = (1,1)^\top\)
  • \({\color{#56b4e9}\lambda_2} = 1, {\color{#56b4e9}\mathbf{x}_2} = (-1,1)^\top\)

For those interested in how we obtained \(\mathbf{\Sigma}'\) with same eigenvalues but different eigenvectors from \(\mathbf{\Sigma}\), see the appendix slide.

PCA and Eigenvalues

Takeaway 1: Regardless of the coordinate system,

  • Eigenvectors give us axes of greatest variance: \(\mathbf{x}_1\) is axis of greatest variance, \(\mathbf{x}_2\) is axis of 2nd-greatest variance, etc.
  • The corresponding Eigenvalues tell us how much of the total variance is explained by this axis

PCA as Swiss Army Knife

  • PCA can be used for both reinterpretation and reduction of dimensions!
  • Consider dataset \(\mathbf{X} = (X_1, \ldots, X_n)\), with \(X_i \in \mathbb{R}^N\)

If we project each \(X_i\) onto \(N\) principal component axes:

  • Datapoints in PC space are linear combinations of the original datapoints! (← Takeaway 2a)

    \[ X'_i = \alpha_1X_1 + \cdots + \alpha_nX_n, \]

    where \(\forall i \left[\alpha_i \neq 0\right]\)

  • We are just “re-plotting” our original data in PC space via change of coordinates

  • Thus we can recover the original data from the PC data


If we project \(X_i\) onto \(M < N\) principal component axes:

  • Datapoints in PC space are still linear combinations of the original datapoints (← Takeaway 2b), but now some of the scalars (weights) are 0
  • We have performed statistically-principled dimensionality reduction (← Takeaway 3)
  • However, original data cannot be recovered

t-SNE for Dimensionality Reduction

  • t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (Van der Maaten and Hinton 2008)
  • If \(x, y\) are neighbors in \(\mathbb{R}^{1000}\), t-SNE “succeeds” if they remain neighbors in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)
  • Key hyperparameter: perplexity! Roughly, this affects the “tradeoff” between preserving local structure vs. global structure in the lower-dimensional space
  • Choose \(x_i \in \mathbb{R}^{1000}\), and treat it as the center of a Gaussian ball with variance \(\sigma_i\)
  • The choice of \(\sigma_i\) induces a probability distribution \(P_i\) over all other points (what is the probability of drawing \(x_j\) from \(\mathcal{N}(x_i, \sigma_i)\)?)

\[ \text{Perp}(P_i) = 2^{H(P_i)} \]

  • High perplexity \(\iff\) high entropy (eventually Gaussian ball will grow so big that all other points will be equally likely!). So, vary perplexity, see how plot changes

  • See here for an absolutely incredible interactive walkthrough of t-SNE!

What Happens As We Vary Perplexity?

Original Dataset

Perplexity = 2

Perplexity = 5

Perplexity = 30


Perplexity = 50


Perplexity = 100


Decision Trees

20 Questions

  • I am thinking of some entity. What is it?
  • What questions should we ask initially?
  • Why might questions on the left be more helpful than questions on the right?
General Questions Specific Questions
Is it a physical object? Is it a soda can?
Is it an animal? Is it a cat?
Is it bigger than a house? Is it a planet?

For linguistics fans: if a word \(x\) is one level “more general” than another word \(y\) (e.g., the word “camel” is one level more general than “bactrian camel”, a camel with two humps), we say that \(x\) is a hypernym of \(y\), and that \(y\) is a hyponym of \(x\). The WordNet project is a big tree of hypernym/hyponym relationships among all English words, where “entity” is the root node of the tree.

We Can Quantify How Good a Sequence of Questions Is!

  • Assume we’re playing with someone who only knows three objects \(S = \{\text{Tree}, \text{Bird}, \text{Car}\}\), and they randomize among these such that
\(\text{Choice}\) Tree Bird Car
\(\Pr(\text{Choice})\) 0.25 0.25 0.50
  • Why might the “script” on the left be a better choice than script in the middle? Why are left and middle both better than right?
G car Car? guessCar Guess Car car->guessCar Yes bird Bird? car->bird No guessBird Guess Bird bird->guessBird Yes guessTree Guess Tree bird->guessTree No
G bird Bird? guessBird Guess Bird bird->guessBird Yes car Car? bird->car No guessCar Guess Car car->guessCar Yes guessTree Guess Tree car->guessTree No
G bird Bird? guessBird Guess Bird bird->guessBird Yes bird2 Bird? bird->bird2 No bird2->guessBird Yes car Car? bird2->car No guessCar Guess Car car->guessCar Yes guessTree Guess Tree car->guessTree No

Example adapted from this essay by Simon DeDeo!

Let’s Use Math

  • An optimal script minimizes average number of questions required to reach answer
G car Car? guessCar Guess Car car->guessCar Yes bird Bird? car->bird No guessBird Guess Bird bird->guessBird Yes guessTree Guess Tree bird->guessTree No

\[ \begin{align*} &\mathbb{E}[\text{\# Moves}] \\ =\,&1 \cdot \Pr(\text{Car}) + 2 \cdot \Pr(\text{Bird}) \\ &+ 2 \cdot \Pr(\text{Tree}) \\ =\,&1 \cdot 0.5 + 2\cdot 0.25 + 2\cdot 0.25 \\ =\,&1.5 \end{align*} \]

G bird Bird? guessBird Guess Bird bird->guessBird Yes car Car? bird->car No guessCar Guess Car car->guessCar Yes guessTree Guess Tree car->guessTree No

\[ \begin{align*} &\mathbb{E}[\text{\# Moves}] \\ =\,&1 \cdot \Pr(\text{Bird}) + 2 \cdot \Pr(\text{Car}) \\ &+ 2 \cdot \Pr(\text{Tree}) \\ =\,&1 \cdot 0.25 + 2\cdot 0.5 + 2\cdot 0.25 \\ =\,&1.75 \end{align*} \]

G bird Bird? guessBird Guess Bird bird->guessBird Yes bird2 Bird? bird->bird2 No bird2->guessBird Yes car Car? bird2->car No guessCar Guess Car car->guessCar Yes guessTree Guess Tree car->guessTree No

\[ \begin{align*} &\mathbb{E}[\text{\# Moves}] \\ =\,&1 \cdot \Pr(\text{Bird}) + 3 \cdot \Pr(\text{Car}) \\ &+ 3 \cdot \Pr(\text{Tree}) \\ =\,&1 \cdot 0.25 + 3\cdot 0.5 + 3\cdot 0.25 \\ =\,&2.5 \end{align*} \]

Let’s Use (Different) Math

  • Forgetting about the individual trees for a moment, let’s compute the entropy of the RV representing the opponent’s choice.
  • In general, if \(X\) represents the opponent’s choice and \(\mathcal{R}_X = \{1, 2, \ldots, N\}\), the entropy of \(X\) is:

\[ \begin{align*} H(X) &= -\sum_{i=1}^N \Pr(X = i)\log_2\Pr(X = i) \end{align*} \]

  • So in our case we have:

\[ \begin{align*} H(X) &= -\left[ \Pr(X = \text{Car}) \log_2\Pr(X = \text{Car}) \right. \\ &\phantom{= -[ } + \Pr(X = \text{Bird})\log_2\Pr(X = \text{Bird}) \\ &\phantom{= -[ } + \left. \Pr(X = \text{Tree})\log_2\Pr(X = \text{Tree})\right] \\ &= -\left[ (0.5)(-1) + (0.25)(-2) + (0.25)(-2) \right] = 1.5~🧐 \end{align*} \]

Entropy Seems Helpful Here…

  • Now let’s imagine our opponent randomizes between all three options:

\[ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[\text{\# Moves}] &= 1 \cdot (1/3) + 2 \cdot (1/3) + 2 \cdot (1/3) \\ &= \frac{5}{3} \approx 1.667 \end{align*} \]

\[ \begin{align*} H(X) &= -\left[ \Pr(X = \text{Car}) \log_2\Pr(X = \text{Car}) \right. \\ &\phantom{= -[ } + \Pr(X = \text{Bird})\log_2\Pr(X = \text{Bird}) \\ &\phantom{= -[ } + \left. \Pr(X = \text{Tree})\log_2\Pr(X = \text{Tree})\right] \\ &= -\left[ \frac{1}{3}\log_2\left(\frac{1}{3}\right) + \frac{1}{3}\log_2\left(\frac{1}{3}\right) + \frac{1}{3}\log_2\left(\frac{1}{3}\right) \right] \approx 1.585~🧐 \end{align*} \]

The Mathematical Relationship

  1. The smallest possible number of levels \(L^*\) for a script based on RV \(X\) is exactly

    \[ L^* = \lceil H(X) \rceil \]

    Intuition: Although \(\mathbb{E}[\text{\# Moves}] = 1.5\), we cannot have a tree with 1.5 levels!

  2. Entropy provides a lower bound on \(\mathbb{E}[\text{\# Moves}]\):

\[ \mathbb{E}[\text{\# Moves}] \geq H(X) \]

Decision Tree Structure

  • Leaf Nodes represent outcomes
  • Branch Nodes represent questions

G root Root Node leaf1 Leaf Node 1 root->leaf1 Answer 1 branch1 Branch Node 1 root->branch1 Answer 2 branch2 Branch Node 2 root->branch2 Answer 3 leaf2 Leaf Node 2 branch1->leaf2 Answer 1 leaf3 Leaf Node 3 branch1->leaf3 Answer 2 leaf4 Leaf Node 4 branch1->leaf4 Answer 3 leaf5 Leaf Node 5 branch2->leaf5 Answer 1 leaf6 Leaf Node 6 branch2->leaf6 Answer 2

How Are They Built?

  • Example: we find ourselves at some point on the globe, at some time during the year, and we’re trying to see whether this point+time are good for skiing
sample_size <- 100
day <- seq(ymd('2023-01-01'),ymd('2023-12-31'),by='weeks')
lat_bw <- 5
latitude <- seq(-90, 90, by=lat_bw)
ski_df <- expand_grid(day, latitude)
#ski_df |> head()
# Data-generating process
lat_cutoff <- 35
ski_df <- ski_df |> mutate(
  near_equator = abs(latitude) <= lat_cutoff,
  northern = latitude > lat_cutoff,
  southern = latitude < -lat_cutoff,
  first_3m = day < ymd('2023-04-01'),
  last_3m = day >= ymd('2023-10-01'),
  middle_6m = (day >= ymd('2023-04-01')) & (day < ymd('2023-10-01')),
  snowfall = 0
# Update the non-zero sections
mu_snow <- 10
sd_snow <- 2.5
# How many northern + first 3 months
num_north_first_3 <- nrow(ski_df[ski_df$northern & ski_df$first_3m,])
ski_df[ski_df$northern & ski_df$first_3m, 'snowfall'] = rnorm(num_north_first_3, mu_snow, sd_snow)
# Northerns + last 3 months
num_north_last_3 <- nrow(ski_df[ski_df$northern & ski_df$last_3m,])
ski_df[ski_df$northern & ski_df$last_3m, 'snowfall'] = rnorm(num_north_last_3, mu_snow, sd_snow)
# How many southern + middle 6 months
num_south_mid_6 <- nrow(ski_df[ski_df$southern & ski_df$middle_6m,])
ski_df[ski_df$southern & ski_df$middle_6m, 'snowfall'] = rnorm(num_south_mid_6, mu_snow, sd_snow)
# And collapse into binary var
ski_df['good_skiing'] = ski_df$snowfall > 0
# This converts day into an int
ski_df <- ski_df |> mutate(
  day_num = lubridate::yday(day)
ski_sample <- ski_df |> slice_sample(n = sample_size)
ski_sample |> write_csv("assets/ski.csv")
  )) +
    size = g_pointsize / 1.5,
  ) +
  dsan_theme() +
    x = "Time of Year",
    y = "Latitude",
    shape = "Good Skiing?"
  ) +
  scale_shape_manual(name="Good Skiing?", values=c(1, 3)) +
  scale_color_manual(name="Good Skiing?", values=c(cbPalette[1], cbPalette[2]), labels=c("No (Sunny)","Yes (Snowy)")) +
    breaks=c(ymd('2023-01-01'), ymd('2023-02-01'), ymd('2023-03-01'), ymd('2023-04-01'), ymd('2023-05-01'), ymd('2023-06-01'), ymd('2023-07-01'), ymd('2023-08-01'), ymd('2023-09-01'), ymd('2023-10-01'), ymd('2023-11-01'), ymd('2023-12-01')),
    labels=c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
  ) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90))

(Example adapted from CS229: Machine Learning, Stanford University)

Zero Splits

  • Starting out: no splits at all, just guess most frequent class: bad skiing
ski_sample |> count(good_skiing)
good_skiing n
  • This gives us \(\Pr(\text{Correct Guess}) = 0.66\)
  • Let \(R_i\) denote the region we’re considering at level \(i\), and \(\widehat{p}_c(R_i)\) be the proportion of points in region \(R_i\) that are of class \(c\)
  • The (nearly) unique measure is, you guessed it: entropy:

\[ \mathscr{L}(R_i) = -\sum_{c}\widehat{p}_c(R_i)\log_2(\widehat{p}_c(R_i)) \]

  • Here, since we’re not splitting the region up at all (yet), the entropy is just

\[ \mathscr{L}(R_i) = -[(0.66)\log_2(0.66) + (0.34)\log_2(0.34)] \approx 0.925 \]

Judging Split Options

Let’s think through two choices for the first split:

ski_sample <- ski_sample |> mutate(
  lat_lt_475 = latitude <= 47.5
ski_sample |> group_by(lat_lt_475) |> count(good_skiing)
ski_sample <- ski_sample |> mutate(
  month_lt_oct = day < ymd('2023-10-01')
ski_sample |> group_by(month_lt_oct) |> count(good_skiing)

\(\text{latitude} \leq -47.5\):

lat_lt_475 good_skiing n

This gives us the rule

\[ \widehat{C}(x) = \begin{cases} 0 &\text{if }\text{latitude} \leq 47.5, \\ 0 &\text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]


\(\text{month} < \text{October}\)

month_lt_oct good_skiing n

This gives us the rule

\[ \widehat{C}(x) = \begin{cases} 0 &\text{if }\text{month} < \text{October}, \\ 0 &\text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

So, if we judge purely on acuracy scores… it seems like we’re not getting anywhere here (but, we know we are getting somewhere!)

Scikit-Learn: Growing the Tree

import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sklearn
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
ski_df = pd.read_csv("assets/ski.csv")
ski_df['good_skiing'] = ski_df['good_skiing'].astype(int)
X = ski_df[['day_num', 'latitude']]
y = ski_df['good_skiing']
dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(
  max_depth = 1,
  criterion = "entropy"
dtc.fit(X, y);
y_pred = pd.Series(dtc.predict(X), name="y_pred")
result_df = pd.concat([X,y,y_pred], axis=1)
result_df['correct'] = result_df['good_skiing'] == result_df['y_pred']
sklearn.tree.plot_tree(dtc, feature_names = X.columns)
n_nodes = dtc.tree_.node_count
children_left = dtc.tree_.children_left
children_right = dtc.tree_.children_right
feature = dtc.tree_.feature
feat_index = feature[0]
feat_name = X.columns[feat_index]
thresholds = dtc.tree_.threshold
feat_threshold = thresholds[0]
#print(f"Feature: {feat_name}\nThreshold: <= {feat_threshold}")
values = dtc.tree_.value
dt_data = {
  'feat_index': feat_index,
  'feat_name': feat_name,
  'feat_threshold': feat_threshold
dt_df = pd.DataFrame([dt_data])
# Load the dataset
ski_result_df <- read_csv("assets/ski_predictions.csv")
# Load the DT info
dt_df <- read_feather("assets/ski_dt.feather")
# Here we only have one value, so just read that
# value directly
lat_thresh <- dt_df$feat_threshold
ggplot(ski_result_df, aes(x=day_num, y=latitude, color=factor(good_skiing), shape=correct)) +
    size = g_pointsize / 1.5,
    stroke = 1.5
  ) +
    yintercept = lat_thresh,
    linetype = "dashed"
  ) +
  dsan_theme("half") +
    x = "Time of Year",
    y = "Latitude",
    color = "True Class",
    #shape = "Correct?"
  ) +
  scale_shape_manual("DT Prediction", values=c(1,3), labels=c("Incorrect","Correct")) +
  scale_color_manual("True Class", values=c(cbPalette[1], cbPalette[2]), labels=c("Bad (Sunny)","Good (Snowy)"))
ski_result_df |> count(correct)
The Estimated Tree:


Attaching package: 'arrow'
The following object is masked from 'package:lubridate':

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':

New names:
• `` -> `...1`
Rows: 100 Columns: 6
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
dbl (5): ...1, day_num, latitude, good_skiing, y_pred
lgl (1): correct

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

correct n

\[ \begin{align*} \mathscr{L}(R_1) &= -\left[ \frac{13}{25}\log_2\left(\frac{13}{25}\right) + \frac{12}{25}\log_2\left(\frac{12}{25}\right) \right] \approx 0.999 \\ \mathscr{L}(R_2) &= -\left[ \frac{61}{75}\log_2\left(\frac{61}{75}\right) + \frac{14}{75}\log_2\left(\frac{14}{75}\right) \right] \approx 0.694 \\ %\mathscr{L}(R \rightarrow (R_1, R_2)) &= \Pr(x_i \in R_1)\mathscr{L}(R_1) + \Pr(x_i \in R_2)\mathscr{L}(R_2) \\ \mathscr{L}(R_1, R_2) &= \frac{1}{4}(0.999) + \frac{3}{4}(0.694) \approx 0.77 < 0.827~😻 \end{align*} \]

Chopping the Feature Space Always Reduces Entropy (!)

  • Visual proof:
my_ent <- function(x) -(x * log2(x) + (1-x)*log2(1-x))
loss_df <- tribble(
  ~x, ~label,
  0.5, "L(R1)",
  0.9, "L(R2)",
  0.7, "L(R)"
loss_df <- loss_df |> mutate(
  y = my_ent(x)
ggplot(data=tibble(x=c(0,1))) +
  stat_function(fun=my_ent, linewidth = g_linewidth) +
  geom_text(data=loss_df, aes(x=x, y=y, label=label)) +
  xlim(c(0,1)) +
Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Continuous Values

  • What if we replace binary labels with continuous values: in this case, cm of snow?
#format_snow <- function(x) sprintf('%.2f', x)
format_snow <- function(x) round(x, 2)
ski_sample['snowfall_str'] <- sapply(ski_sample$snowfall, format_snow)
#ski_df |> head()
ggplot(ski_sample, aes(x=day, y=latitude, label=snowfall_str)) +
  geom_text(size = 6) +
  dsan_theme() +
    x = "Time of Year",
    y = "Latitude",
    shape = "Good Skiing?"
  ) +
  scale_shape_manual(values=c(1, 3)) +
    breaks=c(ymd('2023-01-01'), ymd('2023-02-01'), ymd('2023-03-01'), ymd('2023-04-01'), ymd('2023-05-01'), ymd('2023-06-01'), ymd('2023-07-01'), ymd('2023-08-01'), ymd('2023-09-01'), ymd('2023-10-01'), ymd('2023-11-01'), ymd('2023-12-01')),
    labels=c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
  ) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90))

(Example adapted from CS229: Machine Learning, Stanford University)

Looking Towards Regression

  • How could we make a decision tree to predict \(y\) from \(x\) for this data?
expr_pi2 <- TeX("$\\frac{\\pi}{2}$")
expr_pi <- TeX("$\\pi$")
expr_3pi2 <- TeX("$\\frac{3\\pi}{2}$")
expr_2pi <- TeX("$2\\pi$")
x_range <- 2 * pi
x_coords <- seq(0, x_range, by = x_range / 100)
num_x_coords <- length(x_coords)
data_df <- tibble(x = x_coords)
data_df <- data_df |> mutate(
  y_raw = sin(x),
  y_noise = rnorm(num_x_coords, 0, 0.15)
data_df <- data_df |> mutate(
  y = y_raw + y_noise
#y_coords <- y_raw_coords + y_noise
#y_coords <- y_raw_coords
#data_df <- tibble(x = x, y = y)
reg_tree_plot <- ggplot(data_df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
  geom_point(size = g_pointsize / 2) +
  dsan_theme("half") +
    x = "Feature",
    y = "Label"
  ) +
    xintercept = pi,
    linewidth = g_linewidth,
    linetype = "dashed"
  ) +

A Zero-Level Tree

  • Trivial example: \(\widehat{y}(x) = 0\). How well does this do?
# x_lt_pi = data_df |> filter(x < pi)
# mean(x_lt_pi$y)
data_df <- data_df |> mutate(
  pred_sq_err0 = (y - 0)^2
mse0 <- mean(data_df$pred_sq_err0)
mse0_str <- sprintf("%.3f", mse0)
reg_tree_plot +
    yintercept = 0,
    linewidth = g_linewidth
  ) +
    aes(x=x, xend=x, y=0, yend=y)
  ) +
    aes(x=(3/2)*pi, y=0.5, label=paste0("MSE = ",mse0_str)),
    size = 10,
    #box.padding = unit(c(2,2,2,2), "pt")
Warning in geom_text(aes(x = (3/2) * pi, y = 0.5, label = paste0("MSE = ", : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 101 rows.
ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
  a single row.

A One-Level Binary Tree

  • Let’s introduce a single branch node:

\[ \widehat{y}(x) = \begin{cases} \phantom{-}\frac{2}{\pi} &\text{if }x < \pi, \\ -\frac{2}{\pi} &\text{otherwise.} \end{cases} \]

get_y_pred <- function(x) ifelse(x < pi, 2/pi, -2/pi)
data_df <- data_df |> mutate(
  pred_sq_err1 = (y - get_y_pred(x))^2
mse1 <- mean(data_df$pred_sq_err1)
mse1_str <- sprintf("%.3f", mse1)
decision_df <- tribble(
  ~x, ~xend, ~y, ~yend,
  0, pi, 2/pi, 2/pi,
  pi, 2*pi, -2/pi, -2/pi
reg_tree_plot +
    aes(x=x, xend=xend, y=y, yend=yend),
    linewidth = g_linewidth
  ) +
    aes(x=x, xend=x, y=get_y_pred(x), yend=y)
  ) +
    aes(x=(3/2)*pi, y=0.5, label=paste0("MSE = ",mse1_str)),
    size = 9,
    #box.padding = unit(c(2,2,2,2), "pt")
Warning in geom_text(aes(x = (3/2) * pi, y = 0.5, label = paste0("MSE = ", : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 101 rows.
ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
  a single row.

A One-Level Ternary Tree

  • Now let’s allow three answers:

\[ \widehat{y}(x) = \begin{cases} \phantom{-}\frac{9}{4\pi} &\text{if }x < \frac{2\pi}{3}, \\ \phantom{-}0 &\text{if }\frac{2\pi}{3} \leq x \leq \frac{4\pi}{3} \\ -\frac{9}{4\pi} &\text{otherwise.} \end{cases} \]

cut1 <- (2/3) * pi
cut2 <- (4/3) * pi
pos_mean <- 9 / (4*pi)
get_y_pred <- function(x) ifelse(x < cut1, pos_mean, ifelse(x < cut2, 0, -pos_mean))
data_df <- data_df |> mutate(
  pred_sq_err1b = (y - get_y_pred(x))^2
mse1b <- mean(data_df$pred_sq_err1b)
mse1b_str <- sprintf("%.3f", mse1b)
decision_df <- tribble(
  ~x, ~xend, ~y, ~yend,
  0, (2/3)*pi, pos_mean, pos_mean,
  (2/3)*pi, (4/3)*pi, 0, 0,
  (4/3)*pi, 2*pi, -pos_mean, -pos_mean
reg_tree_plot +
    aes(x=x, xend=xend, y=y, yend=yend),
    linewidth = g_linewidth
  ) +
    aes(x=x, xend=x, y=get_y_pred(x), yend=y)
  ) +
    aes(x=(3/2)*pi, y=0.5, label=paste0("MSE = ",mse1b_str)),
    size = 9,
    #box.padding = unit(c(2,2,2,2), "pt")
Warning in geom_text(aes(x = (3/2) * pi, y = 0.5, label = paste0("MSE = ", : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 101 rows.
ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
  a single row.

Another One-Level Ternary Tree

  • Now let’s allow an uneven split:

\[ \widehat{y}(x) = \begin{cases} \phantom{-}0.695 &\text{if }x < (1-c)\pi, \\ \phantom{-}0 &\text{if }(1-c)\pi \leq x \leq (1+c)\pi \\ -0.695 &\text{otherwise,} \end{cases} \]

with \(c \approx 0.113\), gives us:

c <- 0.113
cut1 <- (1 - c) * pi
cut2 <- (1 + c) * pi
pos_mean <- 0.695
get_y_pred <- function(x) ifelse(x < cut1, pos_mean, ifelse(x < cut2, 0, -pos_mean))
data_df <- data_df |> mutate(
  pred_sq_err1b = (y - get_y_pred(x))^2
mse1b <- mean(data_df$pred_sq_err1b)
mse1b_str <- sprintf("%.3f", mse1b)
decision_df <- tribble(
  ~x, ~xend, ~y, ~yend,
  0, cut1, pos_mean, pos_mean,
  cut1, cut2, 0, 0,
  cut2, 2*pi, -pos_mean, -pos_mean
reg_tree_plot +
    aes(x=x, xend=xend, y=y, yend=yend),
    linewidth = g_linewidth
  ) +
    aes(x=x, xend=x, y=get_y_pred(x), yend=y)
  ) +
    aes(x=(3/2)*pi, y=0.5, label=paste0("MSE = ",mse1b_str)),
    size = 9,
    #box.padding = unit(c(2,2,2,2), "pt")
Warning in geom_text(aes(x = (3/2) * pi, y = 0.5, label = paste0("MSE = ", : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 101 rows.
ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
  a single row.

On to the Code!

Appendix: Covariance Matrix Magic

  • For those interested (skipping over lots of matrix math): say you have a 2D covariance matrix \(\mathbf{\Sigma}\) with eigensystem \((\lambda_1, \mathbf{x}_1), (\lambda_2, \mathbf{x}_2)\)
  • You can obtain a new covariance matrix \(\mathbf{\Sigma}'\) which has the same eigenvalues as \(\mathbf{\Sigma}\) but has eigenvectors \(\mathbf{x}'_1\) and \(\mathbf{x}'_2\), so long as these two eigenvectors are orthogonal.
  • Example: you want to retain the eigenvalues \(\lambda_1 = 3\) and \(\lambda_2 = 1\) from the quiz-review slides, but want the data’s first principal component to be \(\mathbf{x}'_1 = (2,1)^\top\) and its second principal component to be \(\mathbf{x}'_2 = (-1,2)^\top\).
  • By constructing the Eigenmatrix \(\mathbf{V} = \left[\begin{smallmatrix} \mathbf{x}'_1 & \mathbf{x}'_2\end{smallmatrix}\right]\) (the matrix whose columns are \(\mathbf{x}'_1\) and \(\mathbf{x}'_2\)), we can obtain \(\mathbf{\Sigma}'\) by computing:

\[ \mathbf{\Sigma}' = \mathbf{V}\mathbf{\Sigma}\mathbf{V}^{-1}. \]

  • (Exercise: recreate the plot from the earlier PCA slides, but with these desired first and second principal components! See here for a deeper dive into why this works!)


Van der Maaten, Laurens, and Geoffrey Hinton. 2008. “Visualizing Data Using t-SNE.” Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (11).