Apartheid state ruled by a tiny white minority (even smaller than the white minority in Apartheid_South_Africa), eventually overthrown by guerrilla fighters from ZANU and ZAPU and renamed Zimbabwe.

Somehow during my K-12 education, despite it being (imo) the biggest victory for justice in
 possibly the entire 20th century, I learned close to nothing about the liberation of those living under Apartheid regimes in Southern_Africa (Rhodesia in 1980, Namibia in 1990, and finally South Africa in 1994). Even into
 the end of undergrad, I don’t think I knew that there were multiple apartheid regimes throughout Southern_Africa. Knowing this history would have helped me a whole lot in terms of understanding whiteness on a world scale, for example, since a key aspect of the defeat of these apartheid regimes was precisely that Afrikaaners in South Africa—despite being white themselves—felt a type of antipathy towards the British-descended whites of Rhodesia, given that they themselves had been placed into concentration camps by those very same British whites during the Boer War ~60 years prior to the Rhodesian UDI.