DSAN 5450: Data Ethics and Policy
Spring 2025, Georgetown University
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
\[ \newcommand{\nimplies}{\;\not\!\!\!\!\implies} \]
“Repetition is the mother of perfection” - Dwayne Michael “Lil Wayne” Carter, Jr.
\[ \underbrace{p(x)}_{\substack{\text{Accept ethical} \\ \text{framework }x}} \implies \underbrace{q(y)}_{\substack{\text{Algorithms should} \\ \text{satisfy condition }y}} \]
Roughly, approaches to fairness/bias in AI can be categorized as follows:
Ah, la majestueuse égalité des lois, qui interdit au riche comme au pauvre de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain!
(Ah, the majestic equality of the law, which prohibits rich and poor alike from sleeping under bridges, begging in the streets, and stealing loaves of bread!)
Anatole France, Le Lys Rouge (France 1894)
From Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, Simon Fraser University (2006). This figure summarizes the Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages, developed by Noam Chomsky, who also has a lot to say about Ethics and Policy!
From Datta et al. (2017)
From Mitchell et al. (2021)
Labeled Low-Risk | Labeled High-Risk | |
Didn’t Do More Crimes | True Negative | False Positive |
Did More Crimes | False Negative | True Positive |
Roughly, approaches to fairness/bias in AI can be categorized as follows:
Ah, la majestueuse égalité des lois, qui interdit au riche comme au pauvre de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain!
(Ah, the majestic equality of the law, which prohibits rich and poor alike from sleeping under bridges, begging in the streets, and stealing loaves of bread!)
Anatole France, Le Lys Rouge (France 1894)
From Datta et al. (2017)
Predicting self-reported whiteness with 70% accuracy
Predicting self-reported non-whiteness with 90% accuracy
\[ A_i = \begin{cases} 0 &\text{if }i\text{ self-reported ``white''} \\ 1 &\text{if }i\text{ self-reported ``black''} \end{cases} \]
Notice: choice of mapping into \(\{0, 1\}\) here non-arbitrary!
We want our models/criteria to be descriptively but also normatively robust; e.g.:
If (antecedent I hold, though majority in US do not) one believes that ending (much less repairing) centuries of unrelenting white supremacist violence here might require asymmetric race-based policies,
Then our model should allow different normative labels and differential weights on
\[ \begin{align*} \Delta &= (\text{Fairness} \mid A = 1) - (\text{Fairness} \mid A = 0) \\ \nabla &= (\text{Fairness} \mid A = 0) - (\text{Fairness} \mid A = 1) \end{align*} \]
despite the descriptive fact that \(\Delta = -\nabla\).
\[ \boxed{\Pr(D = 1 \mid A = 0) = \Pr(D = 1 \mid A = 1)} \]
\[ \boxed{D \perp A} \iff \Pr(D = d, A = a) = \Pr(D = d)\Pr(A = a) \]
Imagine you learn that a person received a scholarship (\(D = 1\)); [with equalized positive rates], this fact would give you no knowledge about the race (or sex, or class, as desired) \(A\) of the individual in question. (DeDeo 2016)
The good news: if we want this, there is a closed-form solution: take your datapoints \(X_i\) and re-weigh each point to obtain \(\widetilde{X}_i = w_iX_i\), where
\[ w_i = \frac{\Pr(Y_i = 1)}{\Pr(Y_i = 1 \mid A_i = 1)} \]
and use derived dataset \(\widetilde{X}_i\) to learn \(r(X)\) (via ML algorithm)… Why does this work?
Let \(\mathcal{X}_{\text{fair}}\) be the set of all possible reweighted versions of \(X_i\) ensuring \(Y_i \perp A_i\). Then
\[ \widetilde{X}_i = \min_{X_i' \in \mathcal{X}_{\text{fair}}}\textsf{distance}(X_i', X_i) = \min_{X_i' \in \mathcal{X}_{\text{fair}}}\underbrace{KL(X_i' \| X_i)}_{\text{Relative entropy!}} \]
Equalized positive rates didn’t take outcomes \(Y_i\) into account…
This time, we consider the outcome \(Y\) that
Equalized False Positive Rate (EFPR):
\[ \Pr(D = 1 \mid Y = 0, A = 0) = \Pr(D = 1 \mid Y = 0, A = 1) \]
\[ \Pr(D = 0 \mid Y = 1, A = 0) = \Pr(D = 0 \mid Y = 1, A = 1) \]
\[ \Pr(D = d, A = a \mid Y = y) = \Pr(D = d \mid Y = y)\Pr(A = a \mid Y = y) \]
Your first PGM, illustrating hypothesized causal relationships between three random variables \(Y\) (outcome), \(D\) (decision), and \(A\) (protected attribute). The \(Y\) node is shaded to indicate that it is an observed value in our model, rendering the unobserved values \(D\) and \(A\) independent conditional on it. If I was elected Emperor of Math, equations would be abolished in favor of PGMs.
Equalized False Negative/Positive Rates
\[ \Pr(Y = 1 \mid r(X) = v_r) = v_r \]
\[ \Pr(Y = y \mid r(X) = v_r, A = a) = v_r \]
Run | Jump | Hurdle | Weights | |
Aziza | 10.1” | 6.0’ | 40” | 150 lb |
Bogdan | 9.2” | 5.9’ | 42” | 140 lb |
Charles | 10.0” | 6.1’ | 39” | 145 lb |
It appears to reveal an unfortunate but inexorable fact about our world: we must choose between two intuitively appealing ways to understand fairness in ML. Many scholars have done just that, defending either ProPublica’s or Northpointe’s definitions against what they see as the misguided alternative. (Simons 2023)
The impossibility result is about much more than math. [It occurs because] the underlying outcome is distributed unevenly in society. This is a fact about society, not mathematics, and requires engaging with a complex, checkered history of systemic racism in the US. Predicting an outcome whose distribution is shaped by this history requires tradeoffs because the inequalities and injustices are encoded in data—in this case, because America has criminalized Blackness for as long as America has existed.
DSAN 5450 Week 4: (Descriptive) Fairness in AI