Week 11: Classification, Final Review

DSUA111: Data Science for Everyone, NYU, Fall 2020

TA Jeff, jpj251@nyu.edu


I. Classification

  1. The K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
  2. Evaluating KNN

II. Final Review

  1. Big Picture Ideas
  2. Math/Programming Details

Part I: Classification

The K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

  • Recall from last time:
    • Statistics is generally about explanation
    • Machine Learning is generally about prediction
  • Binary Classification: Given a set of information ("features") about an observation ($X$), predict a yes/no outcome ($y \in \{0,1\}$) for this observation
    • Example: Given a count of words in an email, classify it as spam ($y = 1$) or not spam ($y = 0$)
  • Multiclass classification: Classify the observation into one of $N$ categories ($y \in \{0, 1, \ldots, N\}$)
    • Example: Given a handwritten symbol, classify it as a digit ($y = \{0, 1, \ldots, 9\}$)
  • K-Nearest Neighbors Intuition: Find the $K$ most similar observations that we've seen before, and have them "majority vote" on the outcome.

K-Nearest Neighbors Example

  • The problem: Given a student's GPA, predict whether or not they will graduate
  • Many different potential approaches!
  • K-Nearest Neighbor Approach:
    • Get a dataset of previous years, students' GPAs and whether or not they graduated
    • Find the $K=5$ students with GPA closest to the student of interest
    • If a majority of them graduated, predict that the student will graduate. Otherwise, predict that they will not.

Evaluating KNN

  • For binary classification: Seemingly easy, could just compute # correct, # incorrect
  • We generally DON'T WANT TO DO THIS (why?)
  • Instead, in actual machine learning projects, we use $F$-score:
$$F_1 = \frac{tp}{tp + \frac{1}{2}(tp + fn)}$$
  • Don't worry about the details, the point is that what we really want to do is maximize accuracy ($tp$) subject to a penalty for false positives/negatives.
  • This generalizes to multiclass classification: each category has its own $F$-score

Part II: Final Review

Common Misperceptions

0. True or False: The p-value is the probability that the null hypothesis is true.

False. It's the probability that we would obtain a test statistic value this "extreme" if the null hypothesis was true.

1. True or False: A 95% confidence interval means we're 95% confident that the true value of the parameter is between these two values.

False. It's just an interval computed in such a way that if we re-performed the experiment many many times, on average we'd expect the computed interval to contain the true value of the parameter about 95% of the time.

2. True or False: If our p-value is not low enough to meet our significance threshold (say, it's not below 0.05), then we reject the alternative hypothesis and accept the null hypothesis.

False. We never "accept" any hypotheses.

3. True or False: For pd.read_csv("dataset.csv") to work correctly, the dataset.csv file must be in the same folder as our notebook.

True. Otherwise, we have to specify how to "get to" the .csv file from the notebook's folder

4. What about pd.read_csv("../dataset.csv")?

This tells Pandas to look one level above the folder containing the notebook, in the computer's directory tree. (So, if the notebook was located at /home/data_science_projects/my_notebook.ipynb, the above code would look for dataset.csv within the /home folder.

Regression Questions

We're going to load a dataset with GDP per capita (in USD) and level of inequality (as measured by Gini coefficient -- higher values = more unequal) for each country in the world. Then we'll perform a regression with GDP per capita as our independent variable and level of inequality as our dependent variable.

5. Write the equation for our unfitted model in this case

$$Gini_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1GDP_i + \varepsilon_i$$

6. What is the null hypothesis that this regression is testing, in terms of this equation?

$$H_0: \beta_1 = 0$$

7. What is the null hypothesis that this regression is testing, in words?

An increase of $1 in GDP per capita is not associated with any change in inequality

8. What is the alternative hypothesis that this regression is testing, in terms of our equation?

$$H_A: \beta_1 \neq 0$$

9. What is the alternative hypothesis that this regression is testing, in words?

An increase of $1 in GDP per capita is associated with a change in inequality

In [56]:
import pandas as pd
In [57]:
ineq_df = pd.read_csv("gdp_inequality.csv")
In [58]:
ineq_df.rename(columns={'Gini coefficient (World Bank (2016))':'gini',
                        'Output-side real GDP per capita (gdppc_o) (PWT 9.1 (2019))':'gdp'},
In [59]:
ineq_df = ineq_df[~pd.isna(ineq_df["gini"])].copy()
In [60]:
ineq_df = ineq_df[~pd.isna(ineq_df["gdp"])].copy()
In [61]:
final_df = ineq_df.groupby("Code").last()
In [62]:
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
In [63]:
result = smf.ols('gini ~ gdp', data=final_df).fit()
In [64]:
summ = result.summary(); summ.extra_txt = None
In [65]:
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: gini R-squared: 0.145
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.139
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 24.73
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2020 Prob (F-statistic): 1.83e-06
Time: 17:34:11 Log-Likelihood: -520.62
No. Observations: 148 AIC: 1045.
Df Residuals: 146 BIC: 1051.
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 42.2291 0.932 45.329 0.000 40.388 44.070
gdp -0.0002 4.59e-05 -4.973 0.000 -0.000 -0.000
Omnibus: 3.685 Durbin-Watson: 1.859
Prob(Omnibus): 0.158 Jarque-Bera (JB): 3.256
Skew: 0.352 Prob(JB): 0.196
Kurtosis: 3.182 Cond. No. 2.80e+04

10. What does the -0.0002 in the "coef" column of the "gdp" row mean?

An increase of $1 in GDP per capita is associated with a decrease of 0.0002 in Gini coefficient (inequality)

11. Which column do we look at to obtain our p-value?

The column with header P>|t|.

12. True or False: Since the p-value is so low, we can conclude that increases in GDP cause decreases in inequality

False. We should never draw causal conclusions from the results of an OLS regression.

13. Where do we look to obtain the F-statistic for our model?

Towards the top -- the third row, right-hand column, lists the F-statistic (in this case, 24.73)

14. What does this value mean?

This is the test statistic for the hypothesis that all of the coefficients in our model are 0. With reference to our equation above, the null hypothesis for the F-statistic would be

$$H_0: \beta_0 = 0 \text{ and }\beta_1 = 0$$

and the alternative hypothesis

$$H_A: \beta_0 \neq 0 \text{ or }\beta_1 \neq 0$$

The value 24.73 is high enough that the probability of obtaining an F-statistic as extreme as or more extreme than that is (listed directly underneath the F-statistic in the table) approximately 0. Thus we reject the null hypothesis that all coefficients are zero.

15. True or False: The adjusted $R^2$ value is lower than the $R^2$ value because GDP does not explain much of the variance in Gini coefficient

False. Adjusted $R^2$ is only lower than $R^2$ because it penalizes you for each new independent variable you introduce into the model.

16. How would the interpretation of our coefficient on GDP change if we added another independent variable?

Whereas in the single-variable case we interpret the coefficient as just the effect of GDP on inequality, if we introduced a new independent variable $X_2$ we would have to re-interpret our coefficient on GDP as the effect of GDP on inequality holding $X_2$ constant (or, if we center our variables, like we really should: the effect of GDP on inequality at the average $X_2$ value)

Some Stats

17. If we have an observation $x_5 = 123.45$ in a dataset, and find that the z-score for this value is $z_5 = 2.00$, what does this tell us about the original observation?

It tells us that 123.45 is almost exactly 2 standard deviations above the mean $x$ value.

18. True or False: If the mean of a variable $x$ in our dataset is 50.0 and the standard deviation is 5.0, we know that approximately 68% of the values of $x$ lie within one standard deviation of this mean, i.e., between 45.0 and 55.0.

False. This is important. Because the "68% of the data lie within one standard deviation of the mean" property only holds for normally-distributed observations. The question never stated that the data was normally distributed, thus we can't assume the "68% rule" here.

Some Coding

19. What will the following code output?

for i in range(100):
    if i % 7 == 0:
In [92]:
for i in range(100):
    if i % 7 == 0:

20. What will this code output?

for i in range(100):
    if i / 7 == 0:
In [93]:
for i in range(100):
    if i / 7 == 0:

21. How many times will the following code print `"hello!"?

i = 0
while i < 4:
    for j in range(2):
    i = i + 1
In [99]:
i = 0
while i < 4:
    for j in range(2):
    i = i + 1

22. How many times will the following code print "hello!"?

i = 0
while i < 4:
    for j in range(i):
    i = i + 1
In [100]:
i = 0
while i < 4:
    for j in range(i):
    i = i + 1

Returning to our DataFrame...

In [101]:
Entity Year Total population (Gapminder, HYDE & UN) Continent gini gdp high_gdp
AGO Angola 2008 21696000.0 NaN 42.72 6080.5405 0
ALB Albania 2012 2914000.0 NaN 28.96 10402.6360 1
ARG Argentina 2013 42196000.0 NaN 42.28 16920.7560 1
ARM Armenia 2013 2898000.0 NaN 31.54 9481.5098 0
AUS Australia 2010 22155000.0 NaN 34.94 44854.9020 1

23. True or False: The following code permanently renames the "Total population" column so it is henceforth named "pop"

In [42]:
final_df.rename(columns={'Total population (Gapminder, HYDE & UN)':'pop'})
Entity Year pop Continent gini gdp
AGO Angola 2008 21696000.0 NaN 42.72 6080.5405
ALB Albania 2012 2914000.0 NaN 28.96 10402.6360
ARG Argentina 2013 42196000.0 NaN 42.28 16920.7560
ARM Armenia 2013 2898000.0 NaN 31.54 9481.5098
AUS Australia 2010 22155000.0 NaN 34.94 44854.9020
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
VEN Venezuela 2006 26850000.0 NaN 46.94 12223.4100
VNM Vietnam 2012 89802000.0 NaN 38.70 4933.5288
YEM Yemen 2005 20107000.0 NaN 35.89 3196.2153
ZAF South Africa 2011 52004000.0 NaN 63.38 11832.0590
ZMB Zambia 2010 13606000.0 NaN 55.62 2870.8872

148 rows × 6 columns

In [43]:
Entity Year Total population (Gapminder, HYDE & UN) Continent gini gdp
AGO Angola 2008 21696000.0 NaN 42.72 6080.5405
ALB Albania 2012 2914000.0 NaN 28.96 10402.6360
ARG Argentina 2013 42196000.0 NaN 42.28 16920.7560
ARM Armenia 2013 2898000.0 NaN 31.54 9481.5098
AUS Australia 2010 22155000.0 NaN 34.94 44854.9020
In [44]:
final_df.rename(columns={'Total population (Gapminder, HYDE & UN)':'pop'}, inplace=True)
In [45]:
Entity Year pop Continent gini gdp
AGO Angola 2008 21696000.0 NaN 42.72 6080.5405
ALB Albania 2012 2914000.0 NaN 28.96 10402.6360
ARG Argentina 2013 42196000.0 NaN 42.28 16920.7560
ARM Armenia 2013 2898000.0 NaN 31.54 9481.5098
AUS Australia 2010 22155000.0 NaN 34.94 44854.9020

24. Say we make a new variable high_gdp which is 1 if GDP is greater than $10000 and 0 otherwise. What type of variable (not data type) is high_gdp?

It is a [binary] ordinal variable, since there is a natural ordering (since we know countries with high_gdp = 0 have lower GDPs than countries with high_gdp = 1).

In [69]:
final_df['high_gdp'] = final_df['gdp'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > 10000 else 0)
In [105]:
Entity Year Total population (Gapminder, HYDE & UN) Continent gini gdp high_gdp
AGO Angola 2008 21696000.0 NaN 42.72 6080.5405 0
ALB Albania 2012 2914000.0 NaN 28.96 10402.6360 1
ARG Argentina 2013 42196000.0 NaN 42.28 16920.7560 1
ARM Armenia 2013 2898000.0 NaN 31.54 9481.5098 0
AUS Australia 2010 22155000.0 NaN 34.94 44854.9020 1

25. Say we filled in the Continent column, so that e.g. Africa = 0, Asia = 1, South America = 2, North America = 3, Europe = 4, Oceania = 5. What type of variable (not data type) would Continent be in this case?

In this case Continent would be a categorical variable, not an ordinal variable, since there is no natural ordering of the values. We could just as easily have labeled the continents so that Europe = 0, Oceania = 1, Asia = 2, Africa = 3, North America = 4, South America = 5, without losing any information that this variable is supposed to hold.

In [72]:
sorted_df = final_df.sort_values(by="gini").copy()
In [80]:
us_gini = sorted_df.loc["USA"]["gini"]
In [84]:
import numpy as np
sorted_df['gini_vs_us'] = sorted_df['gini'] - us_gini
In [88]:
Entity Year Total population (Gapminder, HYDE & UN) Continent gini gdp high_gdp gini_vs_us
TUR Turkey 2012 7.465100e+07 NaN 40.17 20904.22300 1 -0.89
TTO Trinidad and Tobago 1992 1.237000e+06 NaN 40.27 9583.64550 0 -0.79
SEN Senegal 2011 1.303400e+07 NaN 40.28 2735.58670 0 -0.78
MDG Madagascar 2010 2.115200e+07 NaN 40.63 1459.91550 0 -0.43
MAR Morocco 2007 3.116400e+07 NaN 40.72 4984.77200 0 -0.34
TKM Turkmenistan 1998 4.413000e+06 NaN 40.77 6358.13180 0 -0.29
USA United States 2013 3.164010e+08 NaN 41.06 51547.74600 1 0.00
RUS Russia 2012 1.439940e+08 NaN 41.59 26074.13100 1 0.53
URY Uruguay 2013 3.389000e+06 NaN 41.87 18652.68600 1 0.81
CHN China 2010 1.368811e+09 NaN 42.06 9337.29000 0 1.00
COD Democratic Republic of Congo 2012 6.902100e+07 NaN 42.10 740.51245 0 1.04
GAB Gabon 2005 1.391000e+06 NaN 42.18 15793.24700 1 1.12

25. If we only knew the US's gini coefficient (and not its GDP), and we used the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm with $K = 5$ to try and predict whether it was low or high GDP, which would we predict?

  • 1st closest neighbor: Turkmenistan (low GDP)
  • 2nd closest neighbor: Morocco (low GDP)
  • 3rd closest neighbor: Madagascar (low GDP)
  • 4th closest neighbor: Russia (high GDP)
  • 5th closest neighbor: Senegal (low GDP)

4 out of 5 are low GDP $\implies$ we predict low GDP for US

26. What about with $K = 7$?

(The above 5 closest neighbors, plus:)

  • 6th closest neighbor: Trinidad and Tobago (low GDP)
  • 7th closest neighbor: Uruguay (high GDP)

5 out of 7 are low GDP $\implies$ we predict low GDP for US again

27. Why do we always pick odd numbers as values for $K$?

Because we need to take a majority vote of the $K$ neighbors, so odd numbers ensure that we won't encounter any ties.