Week 7: Code Examples and Midterm Review

DSAN 5500: Data Structures, Objects, and Algorithms in Python

Jeff Jacobs


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Midterm Dress Rehearsal

Today’s Planned Schedule:

Start End Topic
Lecture 6:30pm 7:00pm Parts ա-գ: Three Mini-Topics →
7:00pm 7:20pm Part Ա: Full Topic →
7:20pm 7:30pm Part դ: Mini-Topic →
7:30pm 7:50pm Part Բ: Full Topic →
Break! 7:50pm 8:00pm
8:00pm 8:40pm Parts Գ-Դ: Two Full Topics →
8:40pm 9:00pm Parts ե-զ: Two Mini-Topics →

The Great Wheel of Data-Structural and Algorithmic Fate


Stack-Heap Distinction

  • The Stack (\(\neq\) Stack data structure)
    • Fixed-length things go here, including Pointers to Heap
  • The Heap (\(\neq\) Heap data structure)
    • Variable-length things go here
  • Heap elves manage The Heap, by…
    • Constantly “claiming” additional memory from the OS (malloc()), in case objects need to grow
    • “Freeing” memory back for use by the OS (free()), when objects shrink / deleted / Python execution ends

Big-\(\overline{O}\) Notation

  • These are equivalence classes (not numbers or functions)
  • Compute the runtime \(T(n)\) of an algorithm
  • Worry about how it scales as \(n\) gets large: \(\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}T(n)\)
  • Decide whether to use it or not based on which equivalence class it converges to:
    • \(O(1)\)
    • \(O(\log(n))\)
    • \(O(n)\)
    • \(O(n^2)\)

Data Validation

Linear vs. Logarithmic Design

Trees vs. Graphs (Cycles)

  • In terms of creating and managing data structures, we start with Trees and move to Graphs
  • But, in terms of defining these structures, it helps to start with Graphs
  • A graph is just a collection of linked nodes (any number of links): connected if some possible path between any two nodes
  • A tree is a connected graph without cycles
  • A binary tree is a tree where each node has only two outward links (called children)
  • A binary search tree is a binary tree where
    • Outward links are labeled left and right
    • [All contents after following left] \(<\) [current content]
    • [All contents after following right] \(>\) [current content]

Full Topics

Variations on LinkedList

  • FrontBackLinkedList
  • Deque (Pronounced like “Deck”)
  • DoublyLinkedList


  • This isn’t exactly a separate data structure from a LinkedList, but instead an “expansion pack” for LinkedList which adds an insert_front() function


  • For when we need to be able to reverse directions at any point during iteration
  • LinkedListNode had only a next pointer
  • DoublyLinkedListNode has two pointers: prev and next


  • May seem similar to FrontBackLinkedList, but this time we do have a (slightly) different data structure!
  • For when we need to iterate through a list in-order or in reverse order, with exact same complexity!
    • (Who can think of a case where this would be immediately useful?)
  • Like in FrontBackLinkedList, we have a new insert_front() function
  • Like in DoublyLinkedList, we have both prev and next pointers in each DequeNode
  • But, we also add a new pointer in the Deque class itself (not the DequeNode class), tail, so that we now have head (formerly called root) and tail (pointing to the last element in the LL)

Collision-Resistant Hashing

  • In general: What properties do we think a “good” hashing algorithm should have?
  • More specific: Given \(N\) objects to store and \(M\) available memory slots, what are the limits to \(\overline{O}(1)\)?
    • Efficiency when \(N < M\)?
    • Efficiency when \(N = M\)?
    • Efficiency when \(N > M\)?
    • How do these change if we move from LinkedList-backed to BST-backed?

Object-Oriented Design

  • First: What are the two kinds of “things” that an object has?
  • What is the difference between a class and an object?
  • OML without Polymorphism
  • OML with Polymorphism
  • Abstract Base Classes (ABC in Python)


  • How is Merge-Sort “better”? What role does Merge subroutine play?
  • What/where exactly are the invariants in these diagrams?


Midterm Metadata

Midterm Structure

  • Coding Portion: Modifications of LinkedList (Circular / jump-to-end / doubly-linked); non-scary OOP skeleton 🙈
  • Multiple Choice Portion: Lots more to cover…
    • Hash Tables: \(O(1 + \epsilon \log_2(n))\), but think about it as:
    • \(1 + (\text{Collision rate}) \cdot (\text{Collision handler efficiency})\)
    • Linked List \(\rightarrow\) Binary Search Tree
    • Depth-First vs. Breadth-First: Picture of a tree \(\rightarrow\) (a) what is BFS result, (b) what is (in/pre/post)-order DFS result?
    • Lastly: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein (CLRS), pgs. 17-106

The Two Boxes That Most Things In This Course Can Be Sorted Into

  • Box 1: Linear Things
  • Box 2: Logarithmic Things
  • Things that go into the boxes:
    • Algorithms
    • Data Structures
    • Software Development Patterns

The Boxes

Linear Things: \(O(N)\) Logarithmic Things: \(O(\lg{N})\)
Data Structures



Sorting Algorithms Insertion-Sort Merge-Sort
Search Algorithms Linear-Search Binary-Search
General Pattern One-by-One Divide-and-Conquer
Steps to Look Up a Word \(N = 102118\) \(\lceil \log_2(N) \rceil = 17\)
  • Hash Table: A “trick” that gets us close to \(O(1)\), by pre-allocating lots of memory!

\[ O(N) \; \underbrace{\leadsto O(\log_2(N))}_{\mathclap{\substack{\text{More Efficient Algorithm} \\ \text{(Free!)}}}} \; \underbrace{\leadsto O(1 + \epsilon\log_2(N))}_{\substack{\text{More Memory} \\ \text{(\$\$\$)}}} \]