DSAN 5450: Data Ethics and Policy
Spring 2025, Georgetown University
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
\[ \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{argmax} \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin} \newcommand{\bigexp}[1]{\exp\mkern-4mu\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\bigexpect}[1]{\mathbb{E}\mkern-4mu \left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\definedas}{\overset{\small\text{def}}{=}} \newcommand{\definedalign}{\overset{\phantom{\text{defn}}}{=}} \newcommand{\eqeventual}{\overset{\text{eventually}}{=}} \newcommand{\Err}{\text{Err}} \newcommand{\expect}[1]{\mathbb{E}[#1]} \newcommand{\expectsq}[1]{\mathbb{E}^2[#1]} \newcommand{\fw}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\given}{\mid} \newcommand{\green}[1]{\color{green}{#1}} \newcommand{\heads}{\outcome{heads}} \newcommand{\iid}{\overset{\text{\small{iid}}}{\sim}} \newcommand{\lik}{\mathcal{L}} \newcommand{\loglik}{\ell} \DeclareMathOperator*{\maximize}{maximize} \DeclareMathOperator*{\minimize}{minimize} \newcommand{\mle}{\textsf{ML}} \newcommand{\nimplies}{\;\not\!\!\!\!\implies} \newcommand{\orange}[1]{\color{orange}{#1}} \newcommand{\outcome}[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand{\param}[1]{{\color{purple} #1}} \newcommand{\pgsamplespace}{\{\green{1},\green{2},\green{3},\purp{4},\purp{5},\purp{6}\}} \newcommand{\prob}[1]{P\left( #1 \right)} \newcommand{\purp}[1]{\color{purple}{#1}} \newcommand{\sign}{\text{Sign}} \newcommand{\spacecap}{\; \cap \;} \newcommand{\spacewedge}{\; \wedge \;} \newcommand{\tails}{\outcome{tails}} \newcommand{\Var}[1]{\text{Var}[#1]} \newcommand{\bigVar}[1]{\text{Var}\mkern-4mu \left[ #1 \right]} \]
Ronnie The Bear, Presidential Acceptance Speech, 20 January 1981
Figure 15 from Wagner (2023). “Obfuscatory words” are words like acceptable, significant, mainly, or predominantly, interpretated at the discretion of companies rather than users (see next slide!)
\[ \frac{\text{rights}_i}{\text{rights}_j} = \frac{\text{obligations}_j}{\text{rights}_j} = \frac{\text{rights}_i}{\text{obligations}_j} = \frac{\text{obligations}_j}{\text{obligations}_i} \]
From The Shawn Ryan Show, Episode 11
“You can’t outrun them, or even stay ahead of them for very long: it’s their racetrack, and that’s them waiting at the finish line to congratulate you” (Frank 1994)
The combined effect of incomplete contracts and conflicts of interest is that the determination of outcomes depends on who exercises power in the transaction.
Power is generally exercised by those who hold the residual rights of control, meaning the right to determine what is not specified contractually
Defining (Dyadic) Power (Bowles and Gintis 1992, 326–27)
For agent \(A\) to have power over agent \(B\) it is sufficient that, by imposing or threatening to impose sanctions on \(B\), \(A\) is capable of affecting \(B\)’s actions in ways that further \(A\)’s interests, while \(B\) lacks this capacity with respect to \(A\).
[Axiom] Standard (Walrasian) perfectly-competitive equilibrium, no entry/exit barriers, minus complete-contracts assumption
Produces for Self? | Hires Labor? | Sells Labor? | Agricultural | Industrial | Post-Industrial | Wealth \(\omega_i^*\) |
Bourgeoisie (Bosses) | ||||||
❌ | ✅ | ❌ | Landlord | Capitalist | CEO | \(\omega_i^* \geq \frac{b}{\pi}\) |
Doesn't need to work at all (provides capital to their workers) | ||||||
✅ | ✅ | ❌ | Rich peasant (Kulak) | Capitalist | Small business owner | \(\frac{ba}{1-a} < \omega_i^* < \frac{b}{\pi}\) |
Not enough capital to hire workers to produce full consumption bundle | ||||||
Petit Bourgeoisie (Independent / ‘Yeoman’ Workers) | ||||||
✅ | ❌ | ❌ | Peasant | Artisan | Full-time Etsy | \(\omega_i^* = \frac{ba}{1-a}\) |
Has no boss; doesn't boss others | ||||||
Proletariat (Working Class) | ||||||
✅ | ❌ | ✅ | Poor Peasant | Semi-Proletarian | Uber driver after work | \(0 < \omega_i^* < \frac{ba}{1-a}\) |
Small plot of land, insufficient for producing consumption bundle; "Proletarianizing" | ||||||
❌ | ❌ | ✅ | Landless peasant | Proletarian | Service worker | \(\omega_i^* = 0\) |
Nothing but labor power to sell ("Nothing but chains to lose") |
DSAN 5450 Week 9: From Data Ethics to Data Policy