= [
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Week 1: Introduction to the Course
DSAN 5450: Data Ethics and Policy
Spring 2025, Georgetown University
Who Am I? Why Is Georgetown Having Me Teach This?
\[ \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{argmax} \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin} \newcommand{\bigexp}[1]{\exp\mkern-4mu\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\bigexpect}[1]{\mathbb{E}\mkern-4mu \left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\definedas}{\overset{\text{defn}}{=}} \newcommand{\definedalign}{\overset{\phantom{\text{defn}}}{=}} \newcommand{\eqeventual}{\overset{\text{eventually}}{=}} \newcommand{\Err}{\text{Err}} \newcommand{\expect}[1]{\mathbb{E}[#1]} \newcommand{\expectsq}[1]{\mathbb{E}^2[#1]} \newcommand{\fw}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\given}{\mid} \newcommand{\green}[1]{\color{green}{#1}} \newcommand{\heads}{\outcome{heads}} \newcommand{\iid}{\overset{\text{\small{iid}}}{\sim}} \newcommand{\lik}{\mathcal{L}} \newcommand{\loglik}{\ell} \DeclareMathOperator*{\maximize}{maximize} \DeclareMathOperator*{\minimize}{minimize} \newcommand{\mle}{\textsf{ML}} \newcommand{\nimplies}{\;\not\!\!\!\!\implies} \newcommand{\orange}[1]{\color{orange}{#1}} \newcommand{\outcome}[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand{\param}[1]{{\color{purple} #1}} \newcommand{\pgsamplespace}{\{\green{1},\green{2},\green{3},\purp{4},\purp{5},\purp{6}\}} \newcommand{\prob}[1]{P\left( #1 \right)} \newcommand{\purp}[1]{\color{purple}{#1}} \newcommand{\sign}{\text{Sign}} \newcommand{\spacecap}{\; \cap \;} \newcommand{\spacewedge}{\; \wedge \;} \newcommand{\tails}{\outcome{tails}} \newcommand{\Var}[1]{\text{Var}[#1]} \newcommand{\bigVar}[1]{\text{Var}\mkern-4mu \left[ #1 \right]} \]
Prof. Jeff Introduction!
- Born and raised in NW DC → high school in Rockville, MD
- University of Maryland: Computer Science, Math, Economics (2008-2012)
Grad School
- Studied abroad in Beijing (Peking University/北大) → internship with Huawei in Hong Kong (HKUST)
- Stanford for MS in Computer Science (2012-2014)
- Research Economist at UC Berkeley (2014-2015)
- Columbia for PhD[+Postdoc] in Political Science (2015-2023)
Dissertation (Political Science + History)
“Our Word is Our Weapon”: Text-Analyzing Wars of Ideas from the French Revolution to the First Intifada
Why Is Georgetown Having Me Teach This?
- Quanty things, but then PhD major was Political Philosophy (concentration in International Relations)
- What most interested me: unraveling history; Easy to get lost in “present-day” details of e.g. debiasing algorithms and fairness in AI, but these questions go back literally thousands of years!
- Pol philosophers distinguish “ancients” and “moderns” based on a crucial shift in perspective: ancients sought perfection, while Rousseau (1762) “took men [sic] as they are, and laws as they could be”.
- But is separation of ethics from politics possible? (Bowles 2016) Should we accept “human nature” as immutable/eternal? My answer: yes AND no simultaneously…
My Biases
- Upbringing: religious Jewish, right-wing (Revisionist Zionist) Republican environment
- “Encouraged” to emigrate to Israel for IDF service, but after learning history I renounced citizenship etc., family no longer big fans of me (Traumatic and scary to talk about, tbh 🙈)
- 2015-present: Teach CS + design thinking in refugee camps in West Bank and Gaza each summer (Code for Palestine)
- Metaethics: Learn about the world, challenge+update prior beliefs (Bayes’ rule!); I hope to challenge+update them throughout semester, with your help 🙂
On the One Hand…
On the Other Hand…
Remembering Why It Matters
Making and Evaluating Ethical Arguments
Descriptive vs. Normative
Descriptive Statement: “Bin Laden attacked us because we had been bombing Iraq for 10 years” | Normative Statement: “Bin Laden attacked us because we had been bombing Iraq for 10 years, and that is a good justification” |
Descriptively True (empirically verifiable) | Normatively True (entailed by axioms + descriptive facts) in some ethical systems, Normatively False (not entailed by axioms + descriptive facts) in others |
The Is-Ought Distinction
Descriptive (Is) | Normative (Ought) |
Grass is green (true) | Grass ought to be green (?) |
Grass is blue (false) | Grass ought to be blue (?) |
What Happens When We Confuse The Two?
- Makes it impossible to “cross the boundary” between your own and others’ beliefs
- Collective welfare: Bad on its own terms (see: wars, racism, etc.)
- Self-interest: Prevents us from convincing other people of our arguments
Collective vs. Self-Interest
- Good for collection of people \(\; \nimplies\) good for each individual person! (😰)
- \(p\) = Unions improve everyone’s workplace conditions, whether or not they pay dues
- \(q\) = Union dues are voluntary
- \(p \wedge q \implies\) I can obtain benefits of unions without paying
- \(\implies\) Individually rational to not pay dues
- (Think also about how this applies to climate change policy) 🤔
Modeling Individual vs. Societal Outcomes
- Individual Perspective: Individual \(i\) chooses whether or not to pay union dues
\(\implies\) Social Outcome: No Union
\(\implies\) Social Outcome: Union Possible
Key reading: Schelling (1978), Micromotives and Macrobehavior
Takeaway for Policy Whitepapers
- You cannot (just) say, “doing \(x\) will be better for society”
- You must also justify benefits to individuals, or at minimum, the individual organization and its stakeholders!
- (Is this a normative or descriptive claim?)