Establishing Global Settings for R in VSCode


Kangheng Liu

Jeff Jacobs


November 3, 2023

Awesome student Kangheng Liu figured out the following, which will be helpful for students who use the dark (default!) theme for VSCode but find that their R plots show up as black labels on a black background, so that they are not readable:

The IRkernel actually calls the R default startup process. The .Rprofile works whether inside or outside of jupyter.

The problem was R’s logic in sourcing the .Rprofile file. It won’t load libraries/packages in starting R kernel process. To pass background color as white, we need to write a hook for that. Search for hook in the link for explanations.

The coding is as below. in .Rprofile at home folder (or project folder, will take presendence if any):

setHook(packageEvent("grDevices", "onLoad"),
        function(...) grDevices::pdf.options(bg="white"))

This will pass bg="white" to grDevices, which is the R graphics device package.

Thank you Kangheng, on behalf of the DSAN students, for discovering this!